Better Bedtime in Cambridge
On March 29 at 11:59 AM
White noise can be an excellent tool for drowning out outside and household noises when your baby is napping. Since baby can’t control it or lose it, it isn’t really a prop. They can be particularly helpful if you are traveling and staying somewhere louder than usual. Find a simple one at a department store or pharmacy that will stay on for an indefinite amount of time.

Better Bedtime in Cambridge
On March 27 at 11:39 AM
Seven things to know about Canada’s new parental leave benefits

Better Bedtime in Cambridge
On March 23 at 5:42 PM
Free Sleep Talk: Babies 4-18 Months (March 29)

Better Bedtime in Cambridge
On February 28 at 12:05 PM
Better Bedtime updated their profile page in the Business Directory

Better Bedtime in Cambridge
On February 28 at 11:29 AM
Sleep workshop for babies 4-18 months in Hespeler. A preliminary evaluation provides Bridget Jensen, Certified Sleep Consultant, with the details about your child's unique sleep challenges. During the workshop, all parents will learn exactly what to do (and what not to do!) to get your little one sleeping well for the long haul. After the workshop, you will receive two weeks of unlimited email support as you implement the changes in your home. More info here:

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