I was chatting with a dad at a local event this weekend. While I was sipping my coffee, I mentioned how I was tired because my 15-month-old had a rough night. He was shocked and said “Wow that happens to you?!”
Yes, even as a sleep consultant, occasionally we do have an off-night. With three children, there can be teething pain, growing pain, sickness, etc. The fact is that there are going to be some rough nights here and there.
There is a big difference between having an off-night once or twice a month and having to work hard for every journey to sleep your child takes, multiple night waking’s (beyond the newborn stage) and having anxiety surrounding your child’s sleep.
You can enjoy a predictable evening routine, long nights of sleep and lengthy naps. You can also count on me to help you when those rough nights do happen.
This weeks success story comes directly from a recent testimonial from a local mom I worked with:
"We considered hiring Bridget multiple times, but finally made the decision to go for it when our son was about 14 months old. It was a tough process, but Bridget was very knowledgeable and reassuring. Every question and sleep-deprived comment I made was answered with absolute support and understanding. Now that our son is able to sleep through the night and have regular, more predictable naps, our lives are much more sane." - Mom if one
Skipping naps or having a late bedtime can often impact the next 24 hours or more. By making naps and an appropriate bedtime a priority, you can help prevent your little one from becoming overtired. As you may have experienced, overtired babies can be harder to put to bed and have a more restless nights sleep.