About Us
Best Service for Custom Window Coverings
We specialize in Custom Blinds, Shutters, Draperies and Hardware.
Our service begins with consultation and or quotations from drawings, and continues with accurate site measurements, professional installation and after sales service. We understand the importance of punctual delivery and Nulook can be trusted with projects of any size.
We work with Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Retirement and Long Term Care Facilities, Colleges and Universities. Nulook also works together with architects, designers, executive level clients and contractors who can attest to our expertise.
Nulook Blinds and Draperies is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and recognizes the need for the appropriate management and protection of any personal information that you agree to provide to us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.