Website Maintenance


Did you know most hosting companies don’t do backups? And do you know if your website designer is doing backups on your site? You'd never skip maintenance on your house, or your car: so you should be thinking about that same maintenance for your website, too. If your website goes down and you don't have the right protection in place, it's a tedious and painful experience to get you up and running again.

With our Maintenance Package, we perform daily backups to your website onto some of the industries most secure servers so you are never at risk of losing anything. This includes regular checks of your website for hacking and spam, broken links, server outages, broken code and framework – all the things that will leave your website in disarray or could take it down completely. Not only is your website being backed up on a daily basis, it’s also being constantly monitored. If something goes wrong, we’ll know about it right after it happens and you’ll have the peace of mind to know your website is safe and sound. Also all backups are stored for 90 days so if you even if you don't notice the issue right away, we can still find a clean backup. Think of the Maintenance Package like hitting the save button every time you make any change to your website. No stress, no hassle.


Date Added 2017-04-20
Product Id 10372199