About Us
I have been a creative person my whole life. A friend introduced me to jewelry making a few years back. I dabbled a little bit over the last few years. My passion is creating Healing stone jewelry. I am a Canadian business. I am specializing in Amethyst from Thunder Bay. I am sourcing out healing stones from Canada. I would like to spread Canadian healing stones across the word Amethyst - Healing quality: good for overall protection, physical, emotional and mental balance, relieves homesickness. It helps negotiation skills, decision making, wealth, business success, moving forward in life, coping with responsibility and change, and public speaking. Emotional/spiritual :helps with OCD, anger and violent tendencies. Calms passion, nerves, over-sensitivity, tension, emotional energy, and grief. Enhances the aura, self-esteem, meditation, spirit contact, and spirituality. Rose Quartz - Healing quality:Magnifies creativity and imagination. Good for writing, art, and music.Emotional/spiritual: calming. Good for forgiveness, love, romance and relationships. Enhances female energy and qualities. Helps crisis, phobias, anger,stress, tension, fear,guilt,grief,inadequacy, jealousy,resentment, and the feeling of being emotionally wounded. Helps childhood experiences and emotions. Jade- It aids problem solving, and helps proneness to accidents and reaching dreams, goals,and ideals. It brings balance, justice, modesty, courage, wisdom, compassion, and longevity. This is a good first stone for a child.Emotional/spiritual: good for emotional balance, confidence and grounding. Helps negativity. Promotes dreams and dream recall (place it under your pillow). Brings connection to ancient civilization and wisdom, protection,peace (both inner and outer), and shamanic access to spirit worlds Citrine- A" money stone"that brings abundance and wealth. Good for decision-making, learning, teaching,studying creativity, awareness, writing, problem solving and new beginnings. Also a feel better stone. Helps to sell houses.Emotional/spiritual: good for relationships, self esteem,aura work, and getting rid of emotional toxins. Helps anger and yin/yang balance. Copper- A feel better stone that boosts the flow of chi. Brings vitality and luck, especially with lost property.Emotional/spiritual: good for emotional balance. Helps over-excitability. Tigers eye:Good for intuition, courage,new beginnings, absent/distant healing(through meditation), and sharpening the mind, Assists intuitions, gut feelings and investigations. (ex. police,scientists,insurers and accountants. Helps narrow mindedness. Brings wealth and yin/yang balance and left/right brain balance.Emotional/spiritual: good for balance, calm,and grounding. Helps worry, depression, turmoil .inhibition, negativity,,introversion. Good for people who are deliberately obstructive. Malachite-Good for endurance. Emotional/spiritual: brings calm and emotional balance. Good for dream interpretation and meditation. Helps depression and manic depression. Lapis lazuli: Brings vitality, wisdom,mental endurance, and creative expression. Helps disorganization. Promotes natural gifts and skills. Emotional/spiritual: good for relaxation, relationships, dreams. yin/yang balance, and all psychic abilities. Helps depression. Turquoise- Protects travelers and property and keeps you safe for accidents. Good for creative expression, courage, communication, wisdom, compassion,romance, love, and friendship. Helps public speaking and writing. Gets rid of pollution. Allows you to see the beauty in everything.Emotional/spiritual: Helps suspicious minds and negativity. good for emotional balance, meditation, spirit contact, all psychic abilities, astral travel, spirituality, peace of mind, and yin/yang balance. Offers the mental and spiritual clarity to see your own path in life. Moonstone: Good for wisdom, passion, change, new beginnings,endings, intuition, insight, and creativity. Offers protection to travelers. Brings good luck and a happy home. Emotional/spiritual: soothing and good for the inner self and emotions generally. Release energy blocks. Brings calm, control, balance, confidence, composure, peace of mind, and caring and compassion. Helps over sensitivity, pessimism, and combats cycles/repeated patterns. Hematite:Brings strength, love, courage, and personal magnetism. Good for mental process, thoughts,memory, dexterity and working with numbers/math. Physical: good for the spleen, blood,backache,broken bones and fractures,blood clots,air and travel sickness,jet lag,insomnia,cramps,and myalgic encephalomyelitis Rutilated quartz: Brings strength and vitality. Good for mental health and healing. Helpsneuralgia, parkinson's disease, weight gain and aging. Emotional/spiritual:brings balance and calm. Helps depression, mental breakdowns, energy blockages and negativity. Quartz-It improves your quality of life, makes you feel happier and re-energies you in all situations. It channels any energy,so helps any condition. A feel better stone. Emotional/spiritual : focuses the mind, aids meditation, and relieves negativity.