Investing is complicated enough, especially when it comes to deciding to invest in things as new as cryptocurrencies and soon-to-be legal substances.
Let Davlyn Financial help you decide what to think of Bitcoin and Mary J:
Happy Money Monday! Today on Terminology Talk were defining: Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
The Guaranteed Income Supplement is designed to provide additional income for low-income Canadian residents.
Recipients must be receiving the basic OAS (Old Age Supplement) pension before applying for GIS. Therefore, the age requirements are the same for GIS and OAS. However, note that because it is only for residents of Canada, it will not be paid to Canadians living outside of Canada.
The income thresholds vary with marital status, so it is important to inform the government of any changes such as separation, or death of a spouse.
Investing can seem like a game of jump rope at times. You may think that there’s a specific time to get into investing, a specific time to get out, and a time when if you do try to get in that could cause everything to crash down around you.
Davlyn Financial can help you find the right time to get into investing. Hint: it’s not as complicated as it seems!
Happy Money Monday: Terminology Talk!
Today we're talking about capital gains. What are they? WHY are they?
Capital gains tax is a tax payable on the profit realized on the sale of a non-registered investment. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, mutual funds and other investments. In Canada, there is no capital gains tax currently on your primary residence or on investments held in a TFSA. Also, generally speaking only half the growth is taxable at your current tax rate.