Advertising Opportunities
Business Directory
Some would call this the Cambridge Business Person’s Bible, containing all the contact information of all 1800 plus Cambridge Chamber Members. More business people in Cambridge use the Chamber Business Directory for product or service sourcing, who's who and lead generation then any other published Directory. You must be a Chamber Member to be listed or to advertise in this publication. Circulated only to Chamber Members and electronic copies available on the Chamber website.
City of Cambridge Official Map
The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce produces the Official Road Map of the City of Cambridge every two years. This is certainly popular with the visitors to our community, not to mention every real-estate agent, sales person and of course our residents who need to keep up with our growing city. A great way to provide support to our visiting public and bring awareness to your business.
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce holds hundreds of events and programs where sponsors are required. From Golf Tournaments, Breakfast Sessions, Learning Series and Special Events to our incredible and most notable Awards Gala. Your name, your company and your product or service will always get the famous Cambridge Chamber "Big Bang" when you sponsor one of our programs.
Gateway TV
You’ve seen our giant jumbotron TV on the busiest road in the Region of Waterloo. At the corner of Highway 24 at 401 with over 100,000 cars a day driving by your ad that runs over 900 times a day, all for an incredibly low cost. It is the most reasonable and effective billboard advertising available in Cambridge. Static or full-motion video ads are available. However there is limited space and, as always, it is reserved for Chamber Members only.
Member Mail Program
This is a service we offer our Members on a monthly basis. Distributed to all of our members in addressed mail, it is a perfect way to get your message out in a personal way. We have some restrictions on size, and we aim to limit the amount in order to maintain its appeal to the recipient. Inexpensive and effective, certainly a great way to offer Chamber Members the privilege of dealing with you. This program is exclusively offered to Chamber Members.
Our Own Backyard
Our Own Backyard is designed to be of direct interest to the entire community and its visitors, focusing on Cambridge, its events, landmarks, business and services. The who, what, where and when about Cambridge will be provided by editorial information and listings of important phone numbers and locations of various local services and clubs.
With full process colour available on glossy quality stock, Our Own Backyard will be a “must have” info-magazine sure to be referred to throughout the year.
With a print run of 100,000 copies; Inserted into the Cambridge Times, Flambourough Review, Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Waterloo Chronicle, Guelph Tribune and Mississauga News you will reach the maximum available coverage for your target market.
Relocation/Information Guide
This publication is designed to make newcomers move easy. Find relocation information about Cambridge including frequently called numbers, schools, places of worship, sport organizations, ethnic organizations, moving services, events and festivals, shopping, pool and park locations and much more.
Truly the Voice of Business and the only Cambridge business publication. Billed as the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce newsletter but in a magazine format, glossy publication highlighting our Members, informative articles, new member listings, event calendar and reaches all Cambridge area businesses, not just Chamber Members. Advertising is exclusive to Members Only.
Web Banners
Our web site has tens of thousands of visits per year. Your ad can be placed right on the home page of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce that will give you incredible exposure. Great for branding, promoting a special or introducing a new product or service. Full functioning interactive ability to enhance your presence and give you the best value and greatest return.
For more information on Membership Benefits, contact Scott or Brandi today:
Scott Bridger, 519-622-2221 ext. 2226
Brandi Sinclair, 519-622-2221 ext. 2234
Michael Da Silva, 519-622-2221 ext 2228