About Us

When you join the Breathe Into Motion Yoga Studios, you'll learn to practice yoga in a systematic program format. Each class you participate in is designed to cover a particular criteria of yoga postures and breathing techniques. We ask for a commitment of a full season of classes to meet this goal. Lessons are taught progressively in a level system.

BIM®Yoga Level 1 is dedicated to building the foundation necessary for more advanced yoga classes. Postural alignment is emphasized to set a precedent for future practice. Simple breathing techniques are taught for their application in movement mechanics during the transitions between yoga postures, as well as their application in controlling stretch sensations during the performance of yoga postures. There is a focus on developing individual exercise prescriptions to help heal your injuries.(90 minutes)

BIM®Yoga Level2 is dedicated to increasing your fitness levels gradually. More advanced breathing techniques that develop core strength, and yoga postures that require higher levels of overall strength, are added to your skill-set. Yoga postures that involve balancing on one leg are introduced to strengthen muscular stabilizers. This logical increase in intensity serves as the preparation necessary for your participation in BIM®Yoga Level 3 classes. (90 minutes)

BIM®Yoga Level 3 is dedicated to the development of advanced breathing techniques and yoga postures. This will greatly enhance your muscular core strength and the strength of the muscular stabilizers, which will improve your overall physical conditioning and balance. Flexibility and coordination will increase dramatically as you progress through the BIM®Yoga Level 3 classes. The logical increase in intensity serves as the preparation that is necessary for your participation in BIM®Yoga Level 4 classes. (90 minutes)

BIM®Yoga Level 4 is dedicated to providing an intense yoga workout. New advanced postures are added into the sequence established in BIM®Yoga Level 3. You will learn to increase the body’s internal heat throughout class, which will provide you with an accelerated progress in your practice. The high intensity yoga experience is packed with advanced yoga postures. Skills taught will serve as excellent support for athletic performance and physical conditioning. (90 minutes)

BIM®Yoga Level 5 is dedicated to providing an even more intense yoga workout. Highly advanced postures are added into the sequence established in BIM®Yoga Level 4. You will build your endurance levels along with incredible strength and flexibility. The hallmark of level 5 is the wide assortment of ‘gravity defying’ forearm balance postures. BIM®Yoga Level 5 is the culmination of skills learned in all previous levels in combination with even more new extreme yoga postures. Skills taught will serve as superb support for athletic performance and physical conditioning. (3 hours)